Hearing Aids
Dr. Baller is an independent, Audiologist, meaning he is not tied to a franchise or manufacturer. He decides, with you, the proper devices from the manufacturer that will give you the best outcome and performance to help you hear the best you possibly can. You should know that a hearing aid will only provide you 50% of the solution, the Audiologist you use will give you the other 50% due to appropriate fitting and verification methods. Dr. Baller is trained to help you achieve better hearing!!
Best Hearing Aids
These are the State of the Art Hearing devices we dispense to our patients with hearing loss. Remember that the hearing aid is only half of the solution to better hearing, the Audiologist who picks the correct features, programs them accurately, and verifies the fitting, is the other half. This is so important for your success!!
Features Own Voice Processing (OVP) for a natural perception of the wearer's voice, with advanced connectivity and automatic environmental adaptation for an optimized hearing experience.
Hearing Aid companies we use
See our Hearing Aid Pricing Page for more details.